According to the U.S. EPA, the percent of consumer packaging and containers recycled by weight grew from 38% in 2000 to 53% in 2015. People are clearly recycling more and with increased exposure to news stories on the impact materials like plastic are having on the environment, products in non-sustainable packaging are being forced to consider changes.
Is packaging that’s better for the environment also better for your bottom line?
The public’s shift in attitudes is causing consumer brands who depend on non-sustainable packaging to consider eco-friendly packaging. But in highly competitive markets with shrinking margins, is the move worth it?
To shed an impartial light on the topic, we commissioned the Boston Consulting Group to survey more than 5,000 consumers whose gender, age and income closely aligned with U.S. Census data. Our goal was to capture their attitudes toward sustainability, material packaging preferences and their willingness to pay more for eco-friendly packaging.
Focusing on sustainability is proving to be a recipe for success for brands all over the world. Sustainably marketed products are growing 5.6 times faster than conventionally marketed products.
That's because consumers are losing their tolerance for products in packaging that isn't easily or fully recyclable.